Thursday, June 3, 2010


This is Oksana's favorite of Yuri Kuznetsov's Pieces. As her step father she has been the recipient of his artwork as well as his unique sense of humor.


This painting is called Bottles. The Artist is Yuri Kuznetsov, he is a well known contemporary Russian artist that is also my "to be" father in law. When I first met Yuri, I saw this free spirited and jolly Russian man. He shook my hand and welcomed me to his home with his thick Russian Accent. Yuri's work is all over his house, and his studio is filled with the most brilliantly colored paintings. When I first saw the painting above I was hooked. The elaborate detail, bright beautiful colors, and the whimsical nature of the scene drew me into what I know call the World of Yuri Kuznetsov.

A few months ago, Yuri asked me to start building his reputation online. I was honored to have the opportunity because I am a huge fan of his work and I needed a project to sink my teeth into. So far, we have taken the following steps. Please take just a moment to link up with us on all the various sites and invite your friends so we can share the work of this amazing man with the world.